News and Events

በዘመናዊነቱ በሀገራችን የመጀመሪያው GE ALLIA IGS 530 የካትላብ ማሽን

Elevate Interventional Excellence with the Allia IGS 5

This cutting-edge system integrates superior imaging, advanced software, and revolutionary technologies across cardiac, vascular, and neurointervential procedures.

Key Features:

  • AutoRightTM for optimal imaging and built-in protocols
  • Innova Subtracted 3D for unprecedented neurovascular clarity
  • PCI ASSIST for comprehensive coronary intervention planning/guidance
  • Vessel ASSIST optimizes endovascular procedure workflow
  • Valve ASSIST 2 tailored for structural heart interventions
  • Seamless multimodality 3D image fusion and registration

With the Allia IGS 5 system, you can elevate your interventional capabilities to new heights, pioneering precision in modern medicine. Embrace the future of interventional excellence with this pow . . .

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የዝንጀሮ ፈንጣጣ (MPox)

የዓለም ጤና ድርጅት የዝንጆሮ ፈንጣጣ አደገኛ የጤና ስጋት መሆኑን አወጀ

የዝንጀሮ ፈንጣጣ (MPox) የዓለም አቀፍ አሳሳቢ የህዝብ ጤና ደኅንነት ስጋት (PHEIC) እንደሆነ የዓለም ጤና ድርጅት ዋና ዳይሬክተር ዶ/ር ቴድሮስ አድሃኖም ወሰኑ።

የዝንጀሮ ፈንጣጣ በዲሞክራቲክ ሪፐብሊክ ኮንጎ (DRC) እና በአፍሪካ የሥርጭት መጠኑ እየጨመረ መምጣቱን አሳውቀዋል። ከዚህ ባለፈ፣ የዝንጀሮ ፈንጣጣን የአፍሪካ ሲዲሲ የህብረተሰብ ጤና አህጉራዊ ደህንነት ስጋት እንደሆነ ገልጿል። በሌላ በኩል ፤ እስካሁን ድረስ በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ የተያዘ ሰው #አለመኖሩን የኢትዮጵያ ጤና ሚኒስቴር ዛሬ አመልክቷል። በቦሌ ዓለም አቀፍ ኤርፖርት እና ሞያሌን ጨምሮ በሌሎች የመግቢያ ቦታ ላይ የቁጥጥርና ማጣራት ስራ እየተሰራ ነው።

በሽታው እስካሁን በ13 የአፍሪካ ሀገራት መከሰቱን እንዲሁም፣ 2,863 ሰዎች በበሽታው መያዛቸው እና 517 ለህልፈት መዳረጋቸዉ መረጋገጡን የአፍሪካ በሽታዎች ጥናት ተቋም (African CDC) መረጃ ያሳያል።

የዝንጀሮ ፈንጣጣ (MPox) ምልክቶች

  • ትኩሳት
  • ራስ ምታት
  • የእጢ (ንፍፊት) እብጠት
  • ሽፍታ
  • የጡንቻና የጀርባ ህመም
  • የቆዳ ቁስለት
  • አቅም ማጣት

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Neurology and Neurosurgery in Addis Ababa

We have the best neurosurgeons

In Our Neurosurgery department, we have highly skilled and experienced physicians who plays a crucial role in providing advanced care for patients with complex neurological disorders.

some of our services

  • surgery for cranial & brain injury
  • surgery for spinal injury
  • surgery for degenerative conditions
  • surgery for brain & spinal cord tumor
  • surgery for congenital anomalies

    • Dr. Tsegazeab Leakew:- Associate Professor of Neurosurgery Dep't
      Available on every Saturday 8:00am-12:00pm

      Dr. Assefa Kiflu:- Neurosurgeon
      Available on Tuesday & Thursday 10:00am- 12:00pm
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Ambulance Services in Addis Ababa

Reliable Ambulance Services: Ensuring Swift Medical Assistance in Critical Times

Welcome to iCMC Ambulance, your trusted partner in emergency medical transportation. Our premier ambulance services are dedicated to providing swift, safe, and reliable assistance during critical moments. Whether it's a medical emergency, a transfer between medical facilities, or non-emergency transportation, we prioritize your well-being above all else.

At iCMC Ambulance, we understand that every second counts in an emergency. That's why our fleet of state-of-the-art ambulances is equipped with advanced medical equipment and staffed with highly trained professionals who are ready to respond promptly to any situation. Our team consists of certified paramedics, EMTs, and medical personnel who are committed to delivering exceptional care . . .

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Best Hospital for Kidney Treatment and Dialysis

ICMC provides the best kidney dialysis centres in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with top quality kidney dialysis care at an affordable cost.

Our Nephrology department is led by a highly skilled and brilliant nephrologist Dr. Birhanu Worku.

Some of our Nephrology services:

  • Diagnosis and Management of variety of kidney diseases.
  • Placement & Removal of temporary and permanent catheter
  • Management of catheter Malfunction
  • Pre-transplant evaluation and post transplant care
  • Dialysis

Dr. Birhanu Worku is Available on
Monday, Wednesday & Friday :- 2:00PM - 6:00PM
Saturday :- 8:00PM - 12:00AM . . .

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CT Scan in Addis Ababa

24 hour CT Scan service

A CT (computed tomography) scan is a type of imaging test. Like an X-ray, it shows structures inside your body. But instead of creating a flat, 2D image, a CT scan takes dozens to hundreds of images of your body. To get these images, a CT machine takes X-ray pictures as it revolves around you.

Common Questions

What does a CT scan show?

A CT scan takes pictures of your:

  • Bones
  • Muscles
  • Organs
  • Blood Vessels

What can CT scans detect?

CT scans help healthcare providers detect various injuries and diseases, including:
  • Certain types of cancer and benign (noncancerous) tumors.
  • Fractures (broken bones).
  • Heart disease.
  • Brain injuries.
  • Spinal cord injuries.
  • Internal bleeding.

What should I expect during . . .

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Ambulance Number - 09 39 94 95 96 | Ambulance Service

Best Ambulance Service in Ethiopia

Our ambulance service is available round the clock. We offer quality medical emergency transportation services in Addis Ababa and to border of Ethiopia.

Call Us Now

09 39 94 95 96 . . .

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Best Hospital in Addis Ababa - ICMC General Hospital Top #1 in Ethiopia

The Best Hospital Providing a Comprehensive Health Care

Why Choose Us
We provide 24 hours high quality health care service.

  • The first specialized Cardiac hospital in Ethiopia
  • Specialized in Internal Medicine
  • Pacemaker insertion, replacement and pacemaker function test
  • High quality Dialysis Service
  • Advanced Care Ambulance Service
  • . . .

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Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) Test

ECG Test in Addis Ababa

An electrocardiogram records the electrical signals in the heart. It's a common and painless test used to quickly detect heart problems and monitor the heart's health.

Why it's done

An electrocardiogram is a painless, noninvasive way to help diagnose many common heart problems. A health care provider might use an electrocardiogram to determine or detect:

  • Irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias)
  • If blocked or narrowed arteries in the heart (coronary artery disease) are causing chest pain or a heart attack
  • Whether you have had a previous heart attack
  • How well certain heart disease treatments, such as a pacemaker, are working

You may need an ECG if you have any of the following signs and symptoms:
  • Chest pain
  • Dizziness,
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የፕላስቲክ ቀዶ ህክምና አገልግሎት

መጠን ያለፈ ውፍረት ቅርጽን ከማበላሽት ባሻገር ለብዙ የጤና ማጣት ችግሮች ተጋላጭ ያደርጋል::

መጠን ያለፈ ውፍረት ቅርጽን ከማበላሽት ባሻገር ለብዙ የጤና ማጣት ችግሮች ተጋላጭ ያደርጋል::

  • Cholesterol
  • High B/P
  • Heart dis
  • Type II DM
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Non-alcohol fatty liver
  • strea gravidarum

ዕድሜ ሲገፋ ሰው በቀላሉ ይወፍራል
የአመጋገብና ውፍረት ተያያዥነት ግልጽ ነው
ጤናማ አመጋገብንና የአካል እንቅስቃሴን አመጣጥኖ መጓዝ ቅርጽን ጠብቆ በጤና ለመኖር አስፈላጊ እርምጃዎች ናቸው :: ስለዚህ ለቁመትዎ ተመጣጣኝ የሆነ ክብደት ቅርጾንም በጤንነትዎንም ጠብቀው ለመኖር አስፈላጊ ነው:: ይህ ሳይሆን ቀርቶ ከመጠን ባለፈ ውፍረት ከተቸገሩ የሚቻልባቸው 3ቱ አማራጭ መንገዶች በባለሞያ እየታገዙ:-
  • አመጋገብን ማስተካከል
  • የአካል ብቃት እንቅስቃሴን ማድረግ
  • በቀዶ ህክምና ውፍረትን መቀነስ

ከላይ በተጠቀሱት አማራጮች ውጤታማ ለሚሆኑት ደግሞ የፕላስቲክ ቀዶ ህክምና ድርሻ የሚከተለው ይሆናል
  • ተለጥጦ የቀረን ቆዳና ቀሪ ስብ በማስወገድ ቅርጽን ማስተካከል፣
  • ዕድሜ መግፋት እንዲሁም በወሊድ ምክንያት፣ በጡት፣ በሆድ፣ በክንድና ታፋ እንዲሁም በፊት ላይ የሚከሰቱትን ያልተፈለጉ ለውጦች ማስተከካል ብሎም ወደ ቀድሞ ገጽታቸው መመለስ

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World Osteoporosis Day 2023

Bones May Be Silent, But Their Health Speaks Volumes

World Osteoporosis Day is celebrated annually on October 20 to raise awareness about osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is a silent disease that weakens bones, making them more susceptible to fractures. According to the National Institutes of Health, it is estimated that one in three women and one in five men over the age of 50 will suffer an osteoporotic fracture. Fractures caused by osteoporosis can be debilitating and even life-threatening.

The International Osteoporosis Foundation mentions, “Osteoporosis is a disease which makes bones weak and fragile. This greatly increases the risk of breaking a bone even after a minor fall or bump. The disease has no obvious symptoms, so many people don’t know they have osteoporosis until th . . .

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የጡት ካንሰር ግንዛቤ ማስጨበጫ ወር - 2016 ዓ.ም

ማሞግራፊ ምርመራ ላይ 50% የክፍያ ቅናሽ

በየአመቱ በጥቅምት ወር ታስቦ የሚውለውን የጡት ካንሰር ግንዛቤ ማስጨበጫ ቀንን ምክንያት በማድረግ ለአገልግሎቱ ፈላጊዎች የነፃ ህክምና ምክር አገልግሎትና ከማሞግራፊ ምርመራ ላይ 50% የክፍያ ቅናሽ በማድረግ ከጥቅምት 1 እስከ ጥቅምት 30 ቀን 2016 ዓ.ም ድረስ የሚቆይ የህክምና አገልግሎት እየሰጠን በመሆኑ የአገልግሎት ተጠቃሚ እንዲሆኑ እንጋብዛለን፡፡

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EMG Service Now Available

Explore our cutting-edge EMG services!

Our fully equipped EMG machine offers a range of studies:

  • Upper & Lower Limb Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS)
  • Comprehensive NCS of both upper and lower limbs
  • Needle EMG for Upper & Lower Limbs
  • In-depth Needle EMG for both upper and lower limbs
  • Facial Nerve Conduction Study
  • Blink Reflex Test
  • Repetitive NCS (RNS)
  • Evoked Potentials (EP)

Accurate diagnostics, expert care!
Your nerve and muscle health is our priority!
The result of the test will usually be available within 48 hours (or sooner in relevant cases) and will be communicated with the referring doctor.

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Advanced Care Ambulance Service

24hrs ambulance service

Welcome to iCMC Ambulance, an indispensable part of iCMC General Hospital, dedicated to swift and compassionate emergency medical services. Our fleet is equipped with cutting-edge equipment and staffed by highly-trained professionals. We're at your service 24/7, offering rapid response and a range of life-saving treatments. Our patient-centric approach ensures comfort and safety during transit. Trust iCMC Ambulance in your critical moments - we're here to save lives . . .

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EEG Service Now Available

Our neurology Department Now offers EEG Test

EEG (electroencephalogram) is a new service being starting at our ICMC Hospital in Neurology department. EEG is a technology that allows the recording and interpretation of brain electrical activity. It is classically employed in the diagnosis of epilepsy, aiming to capture seizure discharges. It is probable that such an abnormality will be found in patients with epilepsy, even if the patient does not have a seizure during the recording. This is not however certain, and in some cases, patients with epilepsy will have a normal recording. The chance of obtaining a positive test increase with repeated studies.
EEG also has a role in diagnosing disorders of consciousness. While more commonly used in the acute, in-hospital setting, there may . . .

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Hospital Near Me | Open Now | Emergency | Ambulance

24 hour service

Comprehensive health service . . .

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CT Scan - 160 Slice

በሃገራችን የመጀመሪያ በሆነው Canon Acquilion Lightening 160 slice ሲቲ ስካን ማሽን አገልግሎት መስጠት ጀምሯል

ሆስፒታላችን በሃገራችን የመጀመሪያ በሆነው Canon Acquilion Lightening 160 slice ሲቲ ስካን ማሽን አገልግሎት መስጠት የጀመርን ሲሆን ከጥር 12 ቀን 2014 ዓ.ም እስከ ጥር 21 ቀን 2014 ዓ.ም ድረስ ያለ ኮንትራስት ለሚሰሩ ሲቲ ስካኖች ብር 750.00 (ሰባት መቶ ሃምሳ ብር) እና በኮንትራስት ለሚሰሩ የኮንትራስት ወጪያቸውን ከፍለው በነፃ ምርመራውን ማግኘት የሚችሉ መሆኑን እናስታውቃለን፡፡ . . .

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የጡት ካንሰር ግንዛቤ ማስጨበጫ ወር - 2014

ለጡት ካንሰር ምርመራ በቋሚነት መደረግ ያለባቸው ምርመራዎች

ከ20 እስከ 39 ዓመት

  • በየወሩ በራስ የሚደረግ ምርመራ
  • በየሶስት አመት በሒኪም የሚደረግ ምርመራ
ከ40 እስከ 49 ዓመት
  • በየወሩ በራስ የሚደረግ ምርመራ
  • በየአመቱ በሒኪም የሚደረግ ምርመራ
  • የመጀመሪያ ማሞግራፍ ምርመራ ማድረግ እና በየሁለት አመቱ መታየት
50 ዓመት እና ከዚያ በላይ
  • በየወሩ በራስ የሚደረግ ምርመራ
  • በየአመቱ በሒኪም የሚደረግ ምርመራ
  • በየአመቱ ማሞግራፍ ምርመራ ማድረግ ይገባል

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ICMC Hospital have started covid-19 positive patients treatment ward

If you are tested positive and are looking for covid-19 treatment center in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. ICMC have started ICU Level care for covid-19 positive patients in addition to isolation and quarantine center. Call 0911448627 or 0949020202 for more information. . . .

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ኢንተርናሽናል የልብና ልብ ነክ ደዌዎች ህክምና ማእከል አ.ማ የጠቅላላ ጉባኤ ጥሪ

የማህበሩ 12ኛ መደበኛና 6ኛ ድንገተኛ ጠቅላላ ጉባኤ ሰኔ 20 ቀን 2013 ዓ.ም ከጠዋቱ በ2፡00 ሰዓት በሲ.ኤም.ሲ ባለው በአክሲዮን ማኅበሩ የሆስፒታል ህንፃ ውስጥ ይከናወናል። በእለቱ ባለአክስዮኖች ወይም ህጋዊ ወኪሎች በስብሰባው ላይ እንድትገኙ የዳይሬክተሮች ቦርድ በአክብሮት ጥሪውን ያስተላልፋል። . . .

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PCR Covid Test Available Now

Fast and Reliable PCR covid test in Addis Ababa Ethiopia at ICMC General Hospital

Are you travelling or resuming work and you need covid test beforehand? We are offering covid testing at our Infectious Disease Unit. Get fast and reliable PCR test results with in 24 Hours just for 1,450 BIrr. Did you know that #Covid testing is available 24/7 at our Hospital? Our Covid lab is certified by EPHI and licensed by FMHACA. . . .

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