

Dr. Nardos Afework, Obstetrician and Gynecologist

Why I decided to be an Obstetrician and Gynecologist?

Dr. Nardos Afework, Obstetrician and Gynecologist Dr. Nardos Afework, Obstetrician and Gynecologist

It all started when I was grade 8 and my mother was pregnant with her fourth child. She was diagnosed with sever Preeclampsia (sever form of hypertension) around 7 months of her pregnancy. She was admitted to hospital and different medications were given to control her blood pressure. I use to visit her after school almost every day as it was difficult for me to spent a day without seeing her.

Two weeks after hospital stay things start to change and I wasn't allowed to visit her. I know something was wrong but nobody was telling me anything. My brothers were too you to understand the situation.

Three weeks after hospital stay, my dad came late at night with sad face, his eyes were swollen. I kept on asking for my mum and he couldn't control himself, he said she is in critical condition and can't speak. That night I spent the whole time crying and begging God to heal my mother. After few days they decided to terminate the pregnancy. My mom recovered and the baby died. Everyone in our family is grateful to her Obstetrician and nurses involved in her care. If it wasn't for them, she wouldn't be alive. If she wasn't alive, I couldn't be where I am now.

Since that time, I started to study hard to join medical school. Back then it wasn't easy. I completed my undergraduate study in Jimma University and joined residency at Black lion. The journey wasn't easy. I gave all my time and my life to be a good obstetrician. With the help of God and hard work I succeeded. I love my job because God has given me chance to save life. I feel that I have served at different centers to the best of my ability.

I want people to understand that for most of us serving you isn't only a job but it is a childhood dream and passion. We are human beings just like anyone and what we have sacrificed has to pay us back. We deserve descent life.

Dr. Nardos Afework, Obstetrician and Gynecologist